
AVAC Meetings will be held via ZOOM-Public attendees may request an invitation to the meetings by e-mail, avilavalleyac@gmail.com

Requests must be received by 10:00 AM on the day of the meeting.

Our Purpose

In 1996 the Board of Supervisors of San Luis Obispo adopted a resolution creating Community Advisory Councils. The Board’s goals in establishing the councils are to obtain valuable input from the community, while assuring that the councils represent their respective communities. The Avila Valley Advisory Council (AVAC) will generally review all discretionary projects that are proposed in Avila Beach, Avila Valley and San Luis Port area. AVAC is assigned a County Planning Staff Liaison. Ours is Jeremy Freund.

The role of that liaison is to be the contact person between the community and the county departments. The responsibilities of the liaison include attending the monthly Council meetings, assisting the council members with general land use and zoning questions, and providing information about new and on-going projects within the Council’s review area. Individual planners are assigned to specific projects. Those planners will vary.

This Website

This website contains a history of our activities including our meeting agendas, our meeting minutes, (click on Council Meetings to find them) current issues, our bylaws and links to other websites that might be valuable.

Our Agenda is posted as soon as it is available, usually by the weekend before the meeting. Our Minutes page has a list of the minutes for the current year. Previous years minutes can be found under Archived Minutes. Our Current Issues pages have postings concerning various issues and projects in the Avila Valley area that are currently being reviewed by the council. Visit our Contacts and Links pages to find how to reach the board and other organizations that are concerned with our valley. Our Bylaws page is just that.

Avila Valley Advisory Council Conduct Guidelines (November 14, 2005)

The Avila Valley Advisory Council is committed to providing a hospitable and civil environment in advocating the interests of the residents of Avila Valley. In order to assist in the government of the behavior between and among members of the Board and the public, the following guidelines shall be observed.

  • The dignity, style, values and opinions of each Board member and members of the public shall be respected.
  • Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication are encouraged.
  • The needs of the Council’s constituents should be the priority of the Board.
  • Board members should commit themselves to emphasizing the positive.
  • Board members should commit themselves to focusing on issues and not personalities. The presentation of the opinions of others should be encouraged. Cliques and voting blocks based on personalities rather than issues should be avoided.
  • Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision-making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disagreeable. Once the Board takes action, Board members should commit to supporting said action and not to create barriers to its implementation.
  • Members shall have transparent disclosure for discussion purposes and recuse themselves from voting if a conflict of interest is apparent.
  • The work of AVAC is a team effort. All Board members should work together in the collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the Council.